Activity 2: Accessing Quantitative Traits from Exotic Germplasm to Support Pre-breeding

Activity 2.1. Recreating Adaptive Traits in Exotic Germplasm to Support Pre-breeding
Protocol described in
Debernardi, J.M., Tricoli, D.M., Ercoli, M.F. et al. A GRF–GIF chimeric protein improves the regeneration efficiency of transgenic plants. Nat Biotechnol 2020, 38, 1274–1279.

Activity 2.2: Accessing D genome variation

Developing a strategy to predict combining ability based on genome-wide genotypic data that will better inform the selection of the tetraploid and diploid parents for SHW crosses and of the subsequent elite parents for backcrossing.

Strategy of accessing D genome variaon

Description of synthetic hexaploid wheat-derived germplasm

Population SHW SHW pedigree Recurrent Size Status
19_C44CAR C44 Langdon/AS2386 Carberry 105 BC1F3-5
19_C45CAR C45 Langdon/AS2399 Carberry 150-200 BC1F4
19_C52CAR C52 PI94655/AS2404 Carberry 200+ BC1F6
18_C65CAR C65 PI377655/AS2399 Carberry 200+ BC1F6
18_C66CAR C66 PI377655/AS2386 Carberry 200+ BC1F6